Explore ideas that matter.

Sessions is an opportunity to meet new people, hear inspiring inputs and have great conversations.

Upcoming dates
How does beauty heal us?
Lauren Spohn

Beauty is all around us. When the world (and our very selves) turn ugly, it has the power to heal us. How does it do this? Join us as we discuss how to experience the transforming power of beauty.

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Growing a thankful heart
Sr Carino Hodder

Gratitude is the memory of the heart, helping us to live with enthusiasm and look forward with confidence. Join us as we explore the idea of growing a thankful heart.

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Signs of a true friend
Jordan Kelly

What does friendship mean? Are they real friends? How can I be a better friend? A Christian definition of friendship may be to 'desire the good of another'. Join us as we unpack this universal topic that matters to everyone and is at the heart of society.

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What should I care about?
Fr Nicholas Crowe, OP

In the face of the overwhelming amount of things presented to us in a daily tsunami of information, how do we decide what matters? How do we measure our response? How can we respond?

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Previous Sessions
Grab a coffee
Sessions take place in our coffee shop and we kick off by catching up with friends and meeting new people. If you are new here, come say hi!
Meaningful input
Hear thought-provoking talks given by inspiring thinkers, from friars to musicians and from artists to authors.
After that, it's over to you, what do you think? It's often in asking questions and having conversations with friends that things really come together.
Wrap up with prayer
To finish off the evening, you're invited to join us in the chapel for a moment of contemplation.
Who will you invite?
Have a friend who is searching for meaning or who wants to learn more about faith? Bring them along!